Unvoted Q/As


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Q&A for people who use Blender to create 3D graphics, animations, or games

--select top 500 p.Id [Post Link]
--from Posts p
--where p.AnswerCount = 1
--  not p.Id in
--  (select v.PostId
--  from Votes v
--  where v.PostId = p.Id and v.VoteTypeId = 1 and v.VoteTypeId = 2)
--and (PostTypeId = 1)

select top 500 p.Id [Post Link]
from Posts p
inner join Posts p1 on p.Id = p.ParentId
where p.PostTypeId = 2
and p1.AnswerCount = 1
and not p.Id in
  (select v.PostId
  from Votes v
  where v.PostId = p.Id and (v.VoteTypeId = 1 or v.VoteTypeId = 2))

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