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Computer Science Educators

Q&A for those involved in the field of teaching Computer Science

select top(30) q.Id as [Post Link], q.OwnerUserId as [User Link],
(1.0 * q.Score/q.ViewCount) as Rank,
q.Score, q.ViewCount, 
q.Tags, q.CreationDate,
q.AnswerCount, SUM(p.Score) as AScore
from Posts q
inner join Posts p
on p.ParentId = q.Id
where q.PostTypeId = 1
and q.AcceptedAnswerId is not null
and q.Score > 3
and q.CreationDate > DATEFROMPARTS(##year?2016##,##month?01##,01) 
and q.CreationDate < DATEADD(dd, -1, DATEADD(mm, 3, DATEFROMPARTS(##year?2016##,##month?01##,01)))
group by q.Id, q.OwnerUserId, q.CreationDate, q.Tags, q.Score, q.ViewCount, q.AnswerCount, p.ParentId
order by Rank desc

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