PPM cumulative results


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elementary OS

Q&A for developers and users of elementary OS and applications

  OwnerUserId as [User Link], 
  Id as [Post Link], 
  day(CreationDate) as [Fecha], 
  sum(Score) as [Puntuacion], 
  sum(ViewCount) as [Visitas], 
  sum(AnswerCount) as [Respuestas]
from Posts
where 1=1
--and CreationDate between cast('2017-10-16 00:00:00' as datetime) and cast('2017-10-23 00:00:00' as datetime)  
and CreationDate > cast('2017-10-16 00:00:00' as datetime)
and PostTypeId = 1
and CommunityOwnedDate is null
group by OwnerUserId, Id, day(CreationDate)
order by 3, 4 desc, 5 desc, 6 desc

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