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This query returns questions that have at least one answer with a score of zero. It sorts them by their activity index, which is essentially the time that has passed since the last answer has been posted. The lesser the activity index, the more likely that the Zombie needs a new cure and the current one is not sufficient. This query should only return a subset of questions that are also present in /unanswered.


Q&A for cartographers, geographers and GIS professionals

DECLARE @tag_name nvarchar(35) = '##TagName##';
DECLARE @min_score int = ##MinScore:int?0##;
DECLARE @max_score int = ##MaxScore:int?0##;

WITH BestAnswer as (
  select ParentId, Max(Score) as Score
  from Posts
  where PostTypeId = 2
  group by ParentId

  q.Id AS [Post Link],
  Posts q
    INNER JOIN PostTags pt
    ON    q.Id = pt.PostId
    INNER JOIN Tags t
    ON    pt.TagId = t.id
      AND t.TagName = @tag_name
    INNER JOIN BestAnswer a
    ON    q.Id = a.ParentId
      AND a.Score >= @min_score
      AND a.Score <= @max_score
      q.PostTypeId = 1
  AND q.ClosedDate IS NOT NULL
  AND q.AnswerCount > 0
  AND q.AcceptedAnswerId IS NULL

-- TagName: Tag name as you would use in your post
-- MinScore: Highest answer has at least votes:
-- MaxScore: Highest answer has at most votes:

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