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Internet of Things

Q&A for builders and users of networked sensors and control devices in the contexts of smart homes, industry automation, or environmental sensors

select top 50000 p1.id as p1_Id, p1.PostTypeId as p1_PostTypeId,
p1.AcceptedAnswerId as p1_AcceptedAnswerId, p1.CreationDate as p1_CreationDate,
p1.DeletionDate as p1_DeletionDate, p1.Score as p1_Score, p1.ViewCount as p1_ViewCount,
p1.Body as p1_Body, p1.OwnerUserId as p1_OwnerUserId, p1.OwnerDisplayName as p1_OwnerDisplayName,
p1.LastEditorUserId as p1_LastEditorUserId, p1.LastEditorDisplayName as p1_LastEditorDisplayName,
p1.LastEditDate as p1_LastEditDate, p1.LastActivityDate as p1_LastActivityDate,
p1.Title as p1_Title, p1.Tags as p1_Tags, p1.AnswerCount as p1_AnswerCount,
p1.CommentCount as p1_CommentCount, p1.FavoriteCount as p1_FavoriteCount,
p1.ClosedDate as p1_ClosedDate, p1.CommunityOwnedDate as p1_CommunityOwnedDate,
p2.id as p2_Id, p2.PostTypeId as p2_PostTypeId,
p2.AcceptedAnswerId as p2_AcceptedAnswerId, p2.ParentId as p2_ParentId,
p2.CreationDate as p2_CreationDate,
p2.DeletionDate as p2_DeletionDate, p2.Score as p2_Score, p2.ViewCount as p2_ViewCount,
p2.Body as p2_Body, p2.OwnerUserId as p2_OwnerUserId, p2.OwnerDisplayName as p2_OwnerDisplayName,
p2.LastEditorUserId as p2_LastEditorUserId, p2.LastEditorDisplayName as p2_LastEditorDisplayName,
p2.LastEditDate as p2_LastEditDate, p2.LastActivityDate as p2_LastActivityDate,
p2.Title as p2_Title, p2.Tags as p2_Tags, p2.AnswerCount as p2_AnswerCount,
p2.CommentCount as p2_CommentCount, p2.FavoriteCount as p2_FavoriteCount,
p2.ClosedDate as p2_ClosedDate, p2.CommunityOwnedDate as p2_CommunityOwnedDate,
u1.id as u1_Id, u1.Reputation as u1_Reputation,
u2.id as u2_Id, u2.Reputation as u2_Reputation, u2.CreationDate as u2_CreationDate,
u2.Views as u2_Views, u2.UpVotes as u2_UpVotes, u2.DownVotes as u2_DownVotes
from ((posts as p1 left join posts as p2 on p1.id=p2.parentid) left join
users as u1 on p1.OwnerUserId = u1.id) left join users as u2 on
p2.OwnerUserId = u2.id
where p1.PostTypeID = 1 and p1.CreationDate > '2018-02-06' and
p1.CreationDate < '2018-05-06'
order by p1.CreationDate desc

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