User Counts


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Aviation Meta

Q&A about the site for aircraft pilots, mechanics, and enthusiasts

select 'All Users', count(*) as Cnt
from users

union all

select 'Count of Users that logged in within the last Year' as Category, count(*) as Cnt
from users
where lastaccessdate >= dateadd(yy, -1, getdate())

union all

select 'Count of Posters within the last Year', count(distinct owneruserid) as Cnt
from posts
where creationdate >= dateadd(yy, -1, getdate())

union all

select 'Count of Non-negative Posters within the last Year', count(distinct owneruserid) as Cnt
from posts
where creationdate >= dateadd(yy, -1, getdate())
    and Score >= 0

union all
select 'Count of Commenters within the last Year', count(distinct userid) as Cnt
from Comments
where creationdate >= dateadd(yy, -1, getdate())

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