SELECT Tags.TagName, Posts.Id, Posts.ParentId, Posts.Scor...


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English Language and Usage Meta

Q&A about the site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts

Tags.TagName, Posts.Id, Posts.ParentId, Posts.Score, Posts.PostTypeId,
Posts.CreationDate, Posts.DeletionDate, Posts.ViewCount, Posts.Title,
Posts.OwnerUserId, Users.Reputation, Users.AboutMe, Users.DisplayName,
  sum(case when Votes.VoteTypeId = 2 then 1 else 0 end) as UpVoteCount,
  sum(case when Votes.VoteTypeId = 3 then 1 else 0 end) as DownVoteCount
FROM Posts
    INNER JOIN PostTags ON PostTags.PostId = Posts.Id
    INNER JOIN Tags ON = PostTags.TagId
    INNER JOIN Users on Users.Id = Posts.OwnerUserId
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Votes on Votes.PostId = Posts.Id and Votes.VoteTypeId IN (2,3)
Posts.ParentId is NULL and
Tags.TagName IN (
'attention-model', 'autoencoder','backpropagation','batch-normalization'
, 'bias-neuron', 'caffe', 'conv-neural-network', 'convolution'
, 'deconvolution', 'deep-dream', 'deep-learning', 'deep-residual-networks'
, 'deeplearning4j','feed-forward','keras', 'keras-layer', 'lstm'
,'max-pooling','neural-network', 'pytorch', 'recurrent-neural-network'
,'resnet', 'rnn', 'sequence-to-sequence',  'tensor', 'tensorboard'
, 'tensorflow'
, 'tensorflow-gpu', 'tensorflow-slim', 'torch'
Group by Tags.TagName, Posts.Id, Posts.ParentId, Posts.Score, Posts.PostTypeId,
Posts.CreationDate, Posts.DeletionDate, Posts.ViewCount, Posts.Title, Posts.OwnerUserId, Users.Reputation,
Users.AboutMe, Users.DisplayName

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