declare @median int; -- clasic median SELECT @median = M...


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Mi Yodeya Meta

Q&A about the site for those who base their lives on Jewish law and tradition and anyone interested in learning more

declare @median int; -- clasic median

               SELECT @median = MAX(Score) 
               FROM (SELECT TOP 50 percent Score
                     FROM Posts as PU
                     WHERE PostTypeId = 1 and CommunityOwnedDate IS NULL 
                         and (

                       Tags like '%##tagName##%' OR
                       Tags like '##tagName##%' OR
                       Tags like '%##tagName##%'
                     ORDER BY Score
                     ) as t;

-- report results
    Count(Posts.Id) AS Qns,
    @median as MedianAnswerScore,
    avg(Score) as AverageScore
    PostTypeId = 1 and CommunityOwnedDate IS NULL and (

       Tags like '%##tagName##%' OR
       Tags like '##tagName##%' OR
       Tags like '%##tagName##%'

 --  select @median2_below50, @median2_total ;

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