Number of questions per tag per year


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Linguistics Meta

Q&A about the site for professional linguists and others with an interest in linguistic research and theory

select Id as PostId,
  YEAR(Posts.CreationDate) as [Year]
    into #PostSet
    from Posts
    where PostTypeId = 1 and
    DeletionDate is null

select [Year], Count(*) as Total
  into #YearTotals
  from #PostSet
  group by [Year]

select [Year], Tags.TagName as Tag, Count(*) as Number
  into #YearTagNumber
  from #PostSet
  join PostTags on #PostSet.PostId = PostTags.PostId
  join (select * from Tags where Count >= 2000) Tags on PostTags.TagId = Tags.Id
  group by [Year], Tags.TagName

select #YearTagNumber.[Year] as [Year],
       Tag, Number, Total
  from #YearTagNumber
  join #YearTotals on #YearTagNumber.[Year] = #YearTotals.[Year]
  order by #YearTagNumber.[Year], Tag

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