/* What is the most number of comments on a single post? ...


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Mathematics Meta

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What is the most number of comments on a single post?
select id, commentcount
from posts
order by commentcount desc

How many posts have the exact same number of answers?
select answercount Tot_Ans_For_A_Post, count(id) Tot_Num_of_Post
from posts
group by answercount

This is a bit difficult to give one set answer. There are 41,202,198 records in the
posts table.

What is the current highest scored comment, and what post does it belong to?

select id Comment_ID, postid Post_ID, score Comment_Score
from comments
where score = (SELECT MAX(score) FROM comments)

Comment_ID  Post_ID  Comment_Score
8132455     6841333  1249

select answercount Tot_Ans_For_A_Post, count(id) Tot_Num_of_Post
from posts
group by answercount

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