Questions with multiple answers by a specific author, networkwide


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Parenting Meta

Q&A about the site for parents, grandparents, nannies and others with a parenting role

-- result table, don't rename and keep the site column
create table #results ( site nvarchar(250)
                       , id int);

declare @sql nvarchar(max) = ''   -- holds build up sql string

-- build one biq union sql, for each db
select @sql = @sql 
+ iif( len(@sql) > 1 
     , 'union'
     , 'insert into #results'
) +
-- here goes the per site query, fully qualify the database objects
select ''' + name + '''
     , p.parentid
from ' + quotename(name) + '.dbo.posts p inner join
' + quotename(name) + '.dbo.users u on p.owneruserid =
where u.accountid = ' + CAST(##AccountId:int## AS nvarchar) + '
  and p.posttypeid = 2
group by p.parentid
having count(*) > 1'
from sys.databases
where database_id > 5
-- and (name not like '%.Meta' or name = 'StackExchange.Meta')

--print @sql

-- execute it
exec (@sql)

-- show results
       -- URL builder from Lamak
      + case PARSENAME(site,1)
        when 'audio' then 'avp'
        else PARSENAME(site,1)
      + coalesce('.' 
        + case PARSENAME(site,2)
          when 'audio' then 'avp'
          else PARSENAME(site,2)
          end , '')
      + IIF(patindex('%.MathOverflow%',site) > 0
      , ''
      , coalesce('.' + PARSENAME(site,3), '')
      + IIF(patindex('%.MathOverflow%',site) > 0
      , '.net'
      , '.com'
      + '/q/'
      + cast(id as nvarchar) 
      + '|'
      + replace(site, 'stackexchange.','')
      -- rest of columns
      , id
from #results

drop table #results

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