Kubernetes Views by Month-Year


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A break down of view trends per MM/YY

Raspberry Pi Meta

Q&A about the site for users and developers of hardware and software for Raspberry Pi

-- Total views per MM/YY
-- A break down of view trends per MM/YY

SELECT Year(CreationDate), Month(CreationDate),  count(*), sum(ViewCount)
   FROM Posts p
   join PostTags pt on pt.PostId = p.Id
   join Tags t on t.Id = pt.TagId 
   WHERE PostTypeId = 1
   (t.TagName LIKE 'amazon-%' OR t.TagName LIKE 'aws%')
   --AND Tags like '%kubernetes|%'
   GROUP BY Year(CreationDate), Month(CreationDate)
   ORDER BY Year(CreationDate) ASC, Month(CreationDate) ASC

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