select A.Java6,B.Java7,C.Java8 from (select count(Body) a...


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select A.Java6,B.Java7,C.Java8 from
(select count(Body) as Java6 
From Posts join PostTags on Posts.Id=PostTags.PostId
where  PostTypeId=1 and Posts.Id=PostTags.PostId and TagId =59643)A,

(select count(Body) as Java7 
From Posts join PostTags on Posts.Id=PostTags.PostId
where  PostTypeId=1 and Posts.Id=PostTags.PostId and TagId =59860)B,

(select count(Body) as Java8 
From Posts join PostTags on Posts.Id=PostTags.PostId
where  PostTypeId=1 and Posts.Id=PostTags.PostId and TagId =69385)C;

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