Can we see a user's comment statistics, like average upvotes?


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Musical Practice and Performance

Q&A for musicians, students, and enthusiasts

;with daystat as
select userid
     , avg(cnt) [value]
from (
select userid
     , cast(creationDate as date) as grp
     , count(*) as cnt
from comments
where userid is not null
group by userid, cast(creationDate as date)
)as d
group by userid
, monthstat as
select userid
     , avg(cnt) value
from (
select userid
     , eomonth(creationDate) as grp
     , count(*) as cnt
from comments
where userid is not null
group by userid, eomonth(creationDate)
)as d
group by userid
, yearstat as
select userid
     , avg(cnt) value
from (
select userid
     , year(creationDate) as grp
     , count(*) as cnt
from comments
where userid is not null
group by userid, year(creationDate)
)as d
group by userid
, allusers as
select rank() over (order by count(*) desc) [rank]
     , c.userid
     , u.displayname
     , count(*) as [Number of comments]
     , min(ds.value) as [Comments per day]
     , min(ms.value) as [Comments per month]
     , min(ys.value) as [Comments per year]
     , sum(c.score) as [Total score]
     , avg(cast(c.score as decimal)) as [Avg score]
from comments c
inner join daystat ds on ds.userid = c.userid
inner join monthstat ms on ms.userid = c.userid
inner join yearstat ys on ys.userid = c.userid
inner join users u on = c.userid
where c.userid is not null
group by c.userid,   u.displayname

select rank
     , 'site://users/'+ cast(userid as nvarchar) + '|' +  displayname [User]
     , [Number of comments]
     , [Comments per day]
     , [Comments per month]
     , [Comments per year]
     , [Total score]
     , [Avg score]
from allusers 
where userid = ##userid##
union all
select top 100 
     , 'site://users/'+ cast(userid as nvarchar) + '|' +  displayname [User]
     , [Number of comments]
     , [Comments per day]
     , [Comments per month]
     , [Comments per year]
     , [Total score]
     , [Avg score]
from allusers

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