Select posts without specific tag list


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Russian Language

Q&A for students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the Russian language

DECLARE @NumPosts INT = ##NumPosts?100##

CREATE TABLE #LanguageTags (
    TagName NVARCHAR(256) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS

INSERT INTO #LanguageTags (TagName)

SELECT DISTINCT TOP (@NumPosts) p.Id AS [Post Link]
    , p.Tags
    , p.CreationDate AS [Created]
FROM Posts AS p
LEFT JOIN #LanguageTags AS lt
ON p.Tags LIKE '%' + lt.TagName + '%'
WHERE p.ClosedDate IS NULL
    AND lt.TagName IS NULL
    AND p.PostTypeId = 1

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