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Spanish Language

Q&A for linguists, teachers, students and Spanish language enthusiasts in general wanting to discuss the finer points of the language

Select Max(u.Reputation) As [Reputation], u.DisplayName As [Name], u.location As [Location], Count(b.Id) As [Badges],
b.Name As [Badge Names], Cast(Year(b.Date)As Varchar(4)) As [Year]
From Users u
Inner Join Badges b
On b.UserId = u.Id
Where u.location like '%South Africa%'
And b.Name = 'Enlightened'
And Year(b.Date) = 2016
Group By u.DisplayName, u.location, b.Name, 
Cast(Year(b.Date)As Varchar(4))
Order by Cast(Year(b.Date)As Varchar(4)) desc

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