Users with edit privileges who have actually made edits.


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Stack Overflow

Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers

-- Excludes mods.

WITH InstantEditors AS (
    PostHistory h
    INNER JOIN Posts p ON p.Id = h.PostId
    INNER JOIN Users u ON u.Id = h.UserId
    -- Title/tag/body edits:
    h.PostHistoryTypeId IN (4, 5, 6)
    -- Exclude suggested edits:
    AND h.RevisionGUID NOT IN (SELECT RevisionGUID FROM PostHistory WHERE PostHistoryTypeId = 24)
    -- Exclude self edits:
    AND h.UserId <> p.OwnerUserId
    -- Exclude community user:
    AND h.UserId > 0
    -- Exclude mods with < 1000 rep because we can't identify mods reliably
    -- in SEDE and thus can't include them in CanMakeEdits below:
    AND u.Reputation >= ##EditPrivilegeRep?1000##

  (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Id) FROM InstantEditors) HaveMadeEdits,
  (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Users WHERE Reputation >= ##EditPrivilegeRep##) CanMakeEdits,
  (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Users) TotalUsers

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