Mean Expertise Contribution (MEC) in a tag


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declare @tag_debate float = (
  select avg(1.0*AnswerCount)
  from Posts q
       join PostTags on q.Id = PostId
       join Tags t on TagId = t.Id
  where TagName = '##tag##'

with answers as (
  select a.OwnerUserId UserId,
         1.0/rank() over (partition by q.Id order by a.Score desc) utility,
         count(a.Id) over (partition by q.Id) debatableness,
         1.0/rank() over (partition by q.Id order by a.Score desc) *
         count(a.Id) over (partition by q.Id)/@tag_debate EC
  from Posts q
       join Posts a on q.Id = a.ParentId
       join PostTags on q.Id = PostId
       join Tags t on TagId = t.Id
  where TagName = '##tag##' --and q.Id = 9929585

select UserId as [User Link],
       sum(EC)/count(*) MEC,
       avg(utility) AU, 
       avg(debatableness) D,
       @tag_debate D_avg_t,
       count(*) Q_u_t
from answers
group by UserId
having sum(EC)/count(*) > 1
order by sum(EC)/count(*) desc

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