Is there a way to compare a suggested edit with Rejected and Edited result?


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Vegetarianism Meta

Q&A about the site for those committed to a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle and anyone interested in learning more

select top 100 
       len(se.text) - len(ph.text)  
       , (select count(*) from string_split(se.text, ' ')) 
     , se.text
     , ph.text
     , se.postid as [Post Link]
    -- , ph.userid as [User Link]
from suggestededits se
inner join suggestededitvotes sev on sev.suggestededitid =
inner join posthistory ph on ph.postid = se.postid
inner join reviewtasks rt on rt.suggestededitid =
inner join ReviewTaskResults rtr on rtr.Id = rt.CompletedByReviewTaskId
where sev.votetypeid =3 -- reject
and sev.userid = -1 -- reject / edit or OP rejected
and ph.posthistorytypeid = 5 -- edit body
and ph.creationdate between sev.creationdate and dateadd(n, 30, sev.creationdate)
-- and = rt.CompletedByReviewTaskId 
and RejectionReasonId in (109 , 9)
and se.text is not null
order by CompletedByReviewTaskId

 distinct votetypeid
 from suggestededitvotes

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