Distribution of scores on my answers


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Shows how often a user's answers get a specific score. Related to http://odata.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/q/1930

3D Printing Meta

Q&A about the site for 3D printing enthusiasts

-- Distribution of scores on my answers
-- Shows how often a user's answers get a specific score. Related to http://odata.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/q/1930

SELECT @totalAnswers = COUNT(*) FROM posts WHERE posttypeid = 2 AND owneruserid = ##UserId##

SELECT score AS AnswerScore, Occurences,
  CASE WHEN Frequency < 1 THEN '<1%' ELSE Cast(Cast(ROUND(Frequency, 0) AS INT) AS VARCHAR) + '%' END AS Frequency
  SELECT score, COUNT(*) AS Occurences, (COUNT(*) / @totalAnswers) * 100 AS Frequency
  FROM posts
  WHERE posttypeid = 2                 -- answers
    AND owneruserid = ##UserId##       -- by you
  GROUP BY score
) AS answers
ORDER BY answers.Frequency DESC, Score

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