High Standards - Top 100 Users that rarely upvote.


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Top 100 Users that rarely upvote in comparison to the estimated amount of upvotes they received (doesn't account for e.g. bounties but should give a sufficient estimation). Useful settings (MinRep, MinUpvotes): (1000, 100), (10000, 0).

Artificial Intelligence

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select top 100
  id as [User Link],
  round((100.0 * (Reputation/10)) / (Upvotes+1), 2) as [Ratio %],
  Reputation as Rep, 
  UpVotes as [+ Votes],
  DownVotes [- Votes]
from Users
where Reputation > ##MinRep##
  and Upvotes > ##MinUpvotes##
order by [Ratio %] desc

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