Q&A for people interested in conceptual questions about life and challenges in a world where "cognitive" functions can be mimicked in purely digital environment
-- Top users by Tag SELECT scores.owneruserid, scores.score, scores.tagid, t.tagname, u.displayname FROM (SELECT MAX(score) max_score, tagid FROM (SELECT SUM(p.score) score, p.owneruserid, pt.tagid FROM posts p INNER JOIN posttags pt ON p.id = pt.postid GROUP BY p.owneruserid, pt.tagid) scores GROUP BY tagid) maxscores INNER JOIN (SELECT SUM(p.score) score, p.owneruserid, pt.tagid FROM posts p INNER JOIN posttags pt ON p.id = pt.postid GROUP BY p.owneruserid, pt.tagid) scores ON maxscores.max_score = scores.score AND maxscores.tagid = scores.tagid INNER JOIN tags t ON scores.tagid = t.id INNER JOIN users u ON scores.owneruserid = u.id WHERE t.tagname LIKE 'django' ORDER BY t.tagname