Forked from query #59734 by sam.saffron. How many questions per month does each tag of your choice get? Now defaults to two tags, but it's easy to add more (up to 10k?). See
Q&A for people interested in conceptual questions about life and challenges in a world where "cognitive" functions can be mimicked in purely digital environment
Declare @Tag1 varchar(20) Declare @Tag2 varchar(20) set @Tag1 = isnull(ltrim(##tag1:string##), 'javascript') set @Tag2 = isnull(ltrim(##tag2:string##), 'java') select *, count(*) from ( select CAST( cast(DATEPART(YYYY, CreationDate) as varchar) + '-' + cast(DATEPART(MM, CreationDate) as varchar) + '-01' as datetime) [Month], t.TagName from Posts p join PostTags pt on pt.PostId = p.Id join Tags t on t.Id = pt.TagId where TagName in ( @Tag1, @Tag2 ) ) as X group by TagName, [Month] order by [Month] asc, TagName asc