Q&A for people interested in conceptual questions about life and challenges in a world where "cognitive" functions can be mimicked in purely digital environment
/* this query creates a #users table with all users that are created after YEAR have barely accessed the site have no posts have no badges other than 'Autobiographer' have no "votes" (aka bounties because that is the only thing we have) have no other account on any other site that have rep > 1 have given up or down votes have any badges */ declare @yr int = ##year## create table #validaccounts(accountid int) select accountid into #users from users where reputation = 1 and creationdate between concat(@yr, '-01-01') and concat(@yr + 1, '-01-01') AND datediff(hour, Creationdate, Lastaccessdate) < 504 and not exists(select 1 from posts where owneruserid = users.id) and not exists(select 1 from badges where userid = users.id and name <> 'Autobiographer') and not exists(select 1 from votes where userid = users.id and votetypeid = 8) and users.accountid not in (7585603) create clustered index #ix_users_ok on #users(accountid) exec sede_ineachdb @sqlcommand = ' insert into #validaccounts select uo.accountid from users uo inner join #users u on u.accountid = uo.accountid where uo.reputation > 1 or uo.upvotes > 0 or uo.downvotes > 0 -- or exists (select * from badges where userid = uo.id and name <>''Autobiographer'') ', @includemainsites = 1, @includemainmeta = 1, @CollectResultsForMe = 0 delete from #users where accountid in (select accountid from #validaccounts) select * from #users