Q&A about the site for people interested in conceptual questions about life and challenges in a world where "cognitive" functions can be mimicked in purely digital environment
with -- Total score and number of answers in each tag RawData as ( select Tags.TagName, sum(Answer.Score) as Score, count(Answer.Id) as Answers from Posts Answer join Posts Question on Answer.ParentId = Question.Id join PostTags on PostTags.PostId = Question.Id join Tags on Tags.Id = PostTags.TagId where Answer.OwnerUserId = ##UserId## and Answer.CommunityOwnedDate is null group by Tags.TagName ), -- Predefined tag badge goals TagBadges as ( select * from (values (1, 'Bronze', 100, 20), (2, 'Silver', 400, 80), (3, 'Gold', 1000, 200)) as Badge(Idx, Class, Score, Answers) ), -- Progress per tag, per badge class TypeProgress as ( select RawData.TagName, format(iif(RawData.Score > TagBadges.Score, 1, cast(RawData.Score as float)/TagBadges.Score), '#0.#%') as Score, format(iif(RawData.Answers > TagBadges.Answers, 1, cast(RawData.Answers as float)/TagBadges.Answers), '#0.#%') as Answers, TagBadges.Class from RawData cross join TagBadges ), -- Combine class & type columns AllProgress as ( select TagName, Progress, Class+' '+Type as Category from TypeProgress unpivot (Progress for Type in (Score, Answers)) p ) -- Progress per tag select * from AllProgress pivot ( max(Progress) for Category in ([Bronze Score], [Bronze Answers], [Silver Score], [Silver Answers], [Gold Score], [Gold Answers]) ) q order by cast(left([Gold Score], len([Gold Score])-1) as float) desc