Most and list toxic tags to question about (among 1000 most asked)


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Android Enthusiasts

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with q as (
  select count(*) as cnt, as tagid, t.tagname, v.votetypeid
  from (select top 1000 * from tags t order by t.count desc) as t
    join posttags pt on pt.tagid =
    join posts p on = pt.postid
    join votes v on v.postid =
  where v.votetypeid in (2, 3) and p.posttypeid = 1
  group by, t.tagname, v.votetypeid
select q.tagname AS [Tag], q.tagid AS [Tag ID], q.cnt AS [Upvotes], qq.cnt AS [Downvotes], ROUND(100.0 * qq.cnt / NULLIF(q.cnt, 0), 2) AS [D/U ratio]
from q
join q qq on q.tagname = qq.tagname and qq.votetypeid = 3
where q.votetypeid = 2
order by q.tagname

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