select question.Id as question_Id, MAX(question.CreationD...


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select question.Id as question_Id, MAX(question.CreationDate) as question_CreationDate, MAX(question.Score) as question_Score, MAX(question.ViewCount) as question_ViewCount, MAX(question.AnswerCount) as question_AnswerCount, MAX(question.CommentCount) as question_CommentCount, MAX(question.FavoriteCount) as question_FavoriteCount, MAX(question.ClosedDate) as question_ClosedDate, MAX(accepted_answer.Id) as accepted_answer_Id, MAX(accepted_answer.Score) as accepted_answer_Score, MAX(all_answers.Score) as max_score_answer, SUM(CASE WHEN question_votes.VoteTypeId = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as question_upvotes, SUM(CASE WHEN question_votes.VoteTypeId = 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as question_downvotes, MAX(questioner.Reputation) as questioner_reputation  from Posts question LEFT JOIN Posts accepted_answer ON question.AcceptedAnswerId = accepted_answer.Id RIGHT JOIN Posts all_answers ON all_answers.ParentId = question.Id RIGHT JOIN Votes question_votes ON question_votes.PostId = question.Id INNER JOIN Users questioner ON question.OwnerUserId = questioner.Id  where question.PostTypeId=1 and question.Tags like '%<java>%' and question.CreationDate >= '20141201' and question.CreationDate < '20150101' GROUP BY question.Id

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