Users With the Highest Quality Posts (filter reputation)


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Enter the minimum reputation that a user must have, and this will show the users who have the highest reputation per post in that group.

Anime and Manga

Q&A for anime and manga fans

-- Users With the Highest Quality Posts (filter reputation)
-- Enter the minimum reputation that a user must have, and this will show the
-- users who have the highest reputation per post in that group.
DECLARE @MinRep int = ##MinReputation##
    Id AS [User Link],
    FROM posts
    WHERE posts.OwnerUserId = Users.Id
    ) AS [# Posts],
    Reputation /
    FROM posts
    WHERE posts.OwnerUserId = Users.Id
    ) AS [Rep Per Post]
FROM Users
WHERE Reputation > @MinRep
ORDER BY [Rep Per Post] DESC

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