Q&A for anime and manga fans
/*select p.id, p.OwnerUserId, count(p.id) over(partition by p.OwnerUserId) as total_posts_by_user from posts p where cast(p.CreationDate as date) between '2021-09-01' and '2021-09-30'*/ /*select distinct t.OwnerUserId as UserId, avg_user_score, posts_per_user from ( */ select datepart(year,p.CreationDate), p.OwnerUserId, avg(cast(p.score as decimal(9,2))) over(partition by p.OwnerUserId) as avg_user_score, count(p.Id) over(partition by p.OwnerUserId) as posts_per_user from posts p where cast(p.CreationDate as date) between '2021-09-01' and '2021-09-30' and p.OwnerUserId > 0 --where t.avg_user_score > 1.5 and t.posts_per_user >= 3 /* u.DisplayName, u.Location , inner join users u on (p.OwnerUserId = u.id)*/