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Anime and Manga

Q&A for anime and manga fans

select DATEPART(year, q.CreationDate) Year, TagName, count(*)
from PostTags pt
join Posts q on q.Id=pt.PostId
join Tags t on t.Id=pt.TagId
TagName in ('reactjs','angular', 'angularjs','vue.js','svelte','preact','ember.js','solid-js','alpine.js','lit-element','qwik','polymer','backbone','stenciljs','htmx','aurelia','stimulusjs','astrojs','knockout.js','jquery','mithril','cyclejs','next.js','','meteor','roit.js','nuxt.js','infernojs','hyperapp')
and q.CreationDate < dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, getdate()), 0)
group by DATEPART(year, q.CreationDate), TagName
order by DATEPART(year, q.CreationDate)

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