Negative Vibrations - Users sorted by their Downvote / Upvote Ratio.


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Top 100 Users with a specified minimum rep, measured by their Number of Upvotes per Downvote (lowest first). Example (MinRep): (2000).

Anime and Manga

Q&A for anime and manga fans

-- Negative Vibrations - Users sorted by their Downvote / Upvote Ratio.
-- Top 100 Users with a specified minimum rep, measured by their
-- Number of Upvotes per Downvote (lowest first).
-- Example (MinRep): (2000).

select top 100
  id as [User Link],
reputation as Rep,
  round((Upvotes * 1.0 / Downvotes), 2) as [Upvotes per Downvote],
from Users
where Reputation > ##MinRep##
and > 0
and Downvotes > 0
order by [Upvotes per Downvote] asc

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