The top 100 users based on the number of votes cast per day
Q&A for anime and manga fans
-- Top 100 Most Frequent Voters -- The top 100 users based on the number of votes cast per day DECLARE @lastDataUpdate DATETIME SELECT @lastDataUpdate = MAX(CreationDate) FROM Posts SELECT TOP 100 U.Id AS [User Link], U.UpVotes, U.DownVotes, (U.UpVotes + U.DownVotes) AS TotalVotes, ROUND(CAST(U.UpVotes AS FLOAT) / (DateDiff(day,U.CreationDate,@lastDataUpdate)+1),3) AS UpVotesPerDay, ROUND(CAST(U.DownVotes AS FLOAT) / (DateDiff(day,U.CreationDate,@lastDataUpdate)+1),3) AS DownVotesPerDay, ROUND(CAST((U.UpVotes + U.DownVotes) AS FLOAT) / (DateDiff(day,U.CreationDate,@lastDataUpdate)+1),3) AS VotePerDay FROM Users U ORDER BY VotePerDay DESC