Orphan questions


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high votes, high views, not CW nor closed yet without accepted answer TO DO: a join with users to select questions whose askers is still around.

Anime and Manga

Q&A for anime and manga fans

-- Orphan questions
-- high votes, high views, not CW nor closed yet without accepted answer

select top 100 Id as [Post Link], Score, ViewCount as views, FavoriteCount as favs, AnswerCount as ans,
round(Score+IsNull(FavoriteCount,0)+IsNull(ViewCount,0)/100,0) as rem,
DATEDIFF(DAY, LastActivityDate,GETDATE()) as [age] from Posts 
where (Score >= 5 or FavoriteCount >=5)  
and (ParentId is null and AnswerCount <= 1 and AcceptedAnswerId is null)
and (ClosedDate is null and CommunityOwnedDate is null)
order by rem desc, ViewCount desc

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