Spreading the badges : Posts close to be nice, good, great, etc. for low rep users


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Looks for posts with close to 10, 25, 100 total score OR favorited by close to 25 people OR answers close to 40 (for guru), etc. Ordered by a mix of scores

Anime and Manga

Q&A for anime and manga fans

-- Spreading the badges : Posts close to be nice, good, great, etc. for low rep users
-- Looks for posts with close to 10, 25, 100 total score
-- OR favorited by close to 25 people
-- OR answers close to 40 (for guru), etc.
-- Ordered by a mix of scores

-- DONE : Join with the parent to check if the question is closed
-- DONE : Join with the parent to have the info for AcceptedAnswerId for Guru badge 
-- DONE : Join with the user to select users with less than 3000
-- DONE : See if one can select for Self-Learner
-- DONE : See if one can select for Reversal
-- TO DO : See if one can select for Enlightened

  nocount off
  top 500 p.id as [Post Link] ,
  p.Score as score,
  oq.Score as [Qsc],
  p.FavoriteCount as [fav],
  CASE WHEN p.ID = oQ.AcceptedAnswerID THEN 'Yes' ELSE '' END as ACC,
  CASE WHEN p.OwnerUserID = oQ.OwnerUserID THEN 'Yes' ELSE '' END as SELF,
  IsNULL(p.ViewCount, oq.ViewCount) as [views],
  p.Score+IsNULL(p.FavoriteCount,0)+round(IsNULL(p.ViewCount, IsNULL(oq.ViewCount,0))/100,0) as rem ,
  DATEDIFF(DAY, p.LastActivityDate,GETDATE()) as [sleep],
  DATEDIFF(DAY, oq.LastActivityDate,GETDATE()) as [Q sleep],
--  IsNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), p.ID),'---') as [Id],
--  IsNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), p.ParentID), '---') as parent,
--  IsNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), oq.AcceptedAnswerID),'---') as Accepted,
--  CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), p.LastActivityDate, 103) as [last],
--  CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), us.LastAccessDate, 103) as [user last],
  DATEDIFF(DAY, us.LastAccessDate,GETDATE()) as [U sleep],
  us.Reputation as [U rep]
  Posts as p
  Posts as oq
  ON p.ParentId = oq.Id
  Users as us
  ON p.OwnerUserId = us.Id 
-- For S.O.  Do not include huge crowd attractors
   IsNULL(p.ViewCount, oq.ViewCount) < 3000
-- For Stimulation of small users
   AND us.Reputation < 3000
AND ( 
  (p.ViewCount >2450 AND p.ViewCount < 2500)
  OR (p.ViewCount >980 AND p.ViewCount < 1000)
  OR (p.Score = 9)
  OR (p.Score > 22 AND p.Score < 25)
  OR (p.ParentId IS NOT null AND p.Score > 35 AND p.Score < 40 AND oq.AcceptedAnswerId = p.Id)
  OR (p.Score > 90 AND p.Score < 100)
  OR (p.FavoriteCount>22 AND p.FavoriteCount<25) 
  OR (oq.Score <= -5 AND (p.Score > 17 AND p.Score < 20))
  OR (p.OwnerUserId = oq.OwnerUserId AND (p.Score > 1 and p.score <3))
  p.CommunityOwnedDate IS null AND p.ClosedDate IS null
  oq.CommunityOwnedDate IS null AND oq.ClosedDate IS null
  rem desc,
  p.FavoriteCount desc,
  p.ViewCount desc,
  age desc

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