See This is the aggregate view, aggregated by vote date.
Q&A for anime and manga fans
-- Reputation for old questions/answers -- See -- -- This is the base query, which does a similar listing like the one on the user page, but only for older questions and answers. I'll add an aggregate one, too. with oldVotes as ( select p.PostTypeID as postType, v.VoteTypeID as voteType, v.ID as voteID, p.ID as postID, p.CreationDate as pDate, v.CreationDate as vDate, case p.postTypeID when 1 then -- question case v.voteTypeID when 2 then 5 -- upvote when 3 then -2 -- downvote else 0 end when 2 then -- answer case v.voteTypeID when 1 then 15 -- accepted when 2 then 10 -- upvote when 3 then -2 -- downvote else 0 end end as rep, Datediff(day, p.CreationDate, v.CreationDate) as ddiff from votes as v join posts as p on v.PostId = p.Id where p.OwnerUserId = '##userId##' and v.votetypeid in (1, 2, 3) and Datediff(day, p.CreationDate, v.CreationDate) > ##minimalDistance## ) select count(o.voteID) as vCount, sum(o.rep) as rep, -- vdate, convert(varchar(10), o.vdate, 120) as fDate from oldVotes o group by vDate order by o.vDate