This might give some interesting insight in the types of posts on a site..
Q&A for anime and manga fans
-- Tags that are used together - Three tags edition -- This might give some interesting insight in the types of posts on a site.. SELECT TOP 1000 t1.TagName AS [Tag], t2.TagName AS [Tag], t3.TagName AS [Tag], COUNT(pt1.PostId) AS [Post Count] FROM PostTags pt1 JOIN PostTags pt2 ON pt1.PostId = pt2.PostId JOIN PostTags pt3 ON pt1.PostId = pt3.PostId JOIN Tags t1 ON t1.Id = pt1.TagId JOIN Tags t2 ON t2.Id = pt2.TagId JOIN Tags t3 ON t3.Id = pt3.TagId WHERE t1.TagName < t2.TagName AND t2.TagName < t3.TagName GROUP BY t1.TagName, t2.TagName, t3.TagName ORDER BY COUNT(pt1.PostId) DESC