Non-closed Locked questions without answers


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All questions without answers, not closed, but still locked. Most of these might be merge stubs which were forgot to be closed.

Anime and Manga

Q&A for anime and manga fans

-- Non-closed Locked questions without answers
-- All questions without answers, not closed, but still locked.
-- Most of these might be merge stubs which were forgot to be closed.

select p.Id as [Post Link] , ph.CreationDate AS LockingDate
from Posts p JOIN PostHistory ph ON p.Id = ph.PostID
where  ph.PostHistoryTypeID = 14 -- locked
  and p.PostTypeId = 1 -- question
  and  p.ClosedDate  is null -- not closed
  and p.AnswerCount = 0 -- no answers
order by LockingDate

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