Show my answers to R tag


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Show my answers to R tag

Anime and Manga

Q&A for anime and manga fans

-- How Unsung am I?
-- Zero and non-zero accepted count. Self-accepted answers do not count.

    a.Score, a.Body, q.Tags, q.Title
    Posts q
  inner join
    Posts a
  on q.Id = a.ParentId and a.postTypeId = 2 and q.postTypeId = 1
   /*join PostTags on q.Id = PostTags.PostId
   join Tags on Tags.Id = PostTags.TagId and ... */
      a.CommunityOwnedDate is null
  and a.OwnerUserId = ##UserId##
  and q.Tags like '%<r>%'
order by a.Score desc

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