Search for questions and answers containing a specific string with a given tag.
Q&A for anime and manga fans
-- String search in a tag -- Search for questions and answers containing a specific string with a given tag. SELECT Id as [Post Link], OwnerUserId As [User Link], CreationDate As [Date] FROM Posts p WHERE (p.PostTypeId = 1 AND (p.Body LIKE '%##Pattern##%' OR p.Title LIKE '%##Pattern##%') AND (p.Tags LIKE '%<##Tag##>%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%é##Tag##à%')) OR (p.PostTypeId = 2 AND (SELECT Count(*) FROM Posts q WHERE q.Id = p.ParentId AND (q.Tags LIKE '%<##Tag##>%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%é##Tag##à%')) <> 0 AND p.Body LIKE '%##Pattern##%') ORDER BY Id ASC