Finds the answers to questions that appear to be the "me too" style of answers that contribute absolutely nothiing to the question and should either be removed or converted to a comment by a mod.
Q&A for anime and manga fans
-- Find "me too" (so-called) answers -- Finds the answers to questions that appear to be the "me too" style of answers that contribute absolutely nothiing to the question and should either be removed or converted to a comment by a mod. SELECT Id as [Post Link], SUBSTRING(Body, CHARINDEX('me too', Body) - 15, 45) as [Occurrence] FROM Posts WHERE PostTypeId = 2 AND (Body LIKE 'me too%' OR Body LIKE '% me too%') AND Body NOT LIKE '%affects me too%' AND Body NOT LIKE '%fixed it%' AND BODY NOT LIKE '%resolved%'