Q&A for anime and manga fans
select p.OwnerUserId as user_id, count(p.id) question_count from posts p where p.PostTypeId = 1 and p.creationdate<='12-Mar-2018' and p.OwnerUserId in (1026459, 2301450, 2441442, 3002139, 3160466, 3612353, 438581, 5389107, 559745, 563532, 584192, 6451573, 7311767) group by p.OwnerUserId; select p.OwnerUserId as user_id, count(p.id) question_count from posts p where p.PostTypeId = 1 and p.creationdate<='4-Mar-2019' and p.OwnerUserId in (1026459, 1079354, 2370483, 3002139, 3773011, 4909087, 603977, 6296561, 6451573, 656600, 774078) group by p.OwnerUserId;