SELECT TOP 5000 Title, Body, Tags FROM Posts where PostTy...


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Anime and Manga

Q&A for anime and manga fans

SELECT TOP 5000 Title, Body, Tags FROM Posts 
where PostTypeId = 1 
AND Score >= 25 
   Tags like '%spring%'
OR Tags like '%<java>%'
OR Tags like '%strut%'
OR Tags like '%<hibernate>%'
OR Tags like '%<jsp>%'
OR Tags like '%servlet%'
OR Tags like '%<jdbc>%'
OR Tags like '%<mysql>%')

AND Tags  NOT like '%windows%'
AND Tags  NOT like '%linux%'
AND Tags  NOT like '%android%'
AND Tags  NOT like '%<c#>%'
AND Tags Not like '%<.net>%'
AND Tags Not like '%<c>%'
AND Tags Not like '%<c++>%'
AND Tags Not like '%<swing>%'
AND Tags Not like '%<jsf>%'
AND Tags Not like '%<scala>%'
AND Tags Not like '%<groovy>%'
AND Tags Not like '%<gradle>%'
AND Tags Not like '%ruby%'
AND Tags Not like '%<php>%'
AND Tags Not like '%<python>%'
AND Tags Not like '%testing%'
AND Tags Not like '%<eclipse>%'
AND Tags Not like '%<netbeans>%'
AND Tags Not like '%<intellij-idea>%'
AND Tags Not like '%maven%'
AND Tags Not like '%<ant>%'
AND Tags Not like '%<junit>%'
AND Tags Not like '%console%'
AND Tags Not like '%networking%'

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