declare @NominationAwardFocus table ( AwardFocusID int, ...


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declare @NominationAwardFocus table
  AwardFocusID int,
  NominationID int

insert into @NominationAwardFocus values
(5, 19),
(7, 19),
(8, 19)

declare @AwardFocus table
  AwardFocusID int,
  AwardFocusName nvarchar(10)

insert into @AwardFocus values
(1, 'Name 1'),
(2, 'Name 2'),
(3, 'Name 3'),
(4, 'Name 4'),
(5, 'Name 5'),
(6, 'Name 6'),
(7, 'Name 7'),
(8, 'Name 8'),
(9, 'Name 9')

select stuff((select ', '+AF.AwardFocusName
              from @AwardFocus as AF
                inner join @NominationAwardFocus as NAF2
                  on AF.AwardFocusID = NAF2.AwardFocusID
              where NAF1.NominationID = NAF2.NominationID
              for xml path(''),  type).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)'), 1, 2, '') as AwardFocusNames
from @NominationAwardFocus as NAF1
group by NAF1.NominationID

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