select count(q.Id) as 'count' from Posts as q left join P...


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Anime and Manga

Q&A for anime and manga fans

  count(q.Id) as 'count'
from Posts as q
  left join PostTags as j
  on j.PostId = q.Id
  inner join Tags as t
  on j.TagId = t.Id
where q.PostTypeId = 1
  and q.ClosedDate IS NULL
  and q.DeletionDate IS NULL
  and (q.Body like '% embedded %'
    or q.Body like '% robot%'
    or q.Body like '%real time%'
    or q.Title like '% embedded %'
    or q.Title like '% robot%'
    or q.Title like '%real time%'
    or t.TagName = 'real-time')

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