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Ask Ubuntu

Q&A for Ubuntu users and developers

SELECT question.Id, question.Title, question.Body, 
  question.AcceptedAnswerId, question.CreationDate, 
  question.Score, question.ViewCount, question.AnswerCount, 
  question.CommentCount, question.FavoriteCount, question.Tags,
  question.OwnerUserId, question.OwnerDisplayName, 
  question.LastEditorUserId, question.LastEditorDisplayName, 
  question.LastEditDate, question.LastActivityDate, 
  usr.Id as OwnerID, usr.Reputation as OwnerReputation, 
  usr.CreationDate as OwnerCreationDate, usr.DisplayName as OwnerName, 
  usr.LastAccessDate as OwnerLastAccessDate, usr.Location as OwnerLocation,
  (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Posts as anwser
     WHERE anwser.PostTypeId = 2                      /* 2 = Answer */
       AND anwser.ParentId = question.Id              /* Linking anwser to question */
       AND anwser.OwnerUserId <> question.OwnerUserId /* answers not given by question owner */) 
       AS DiscussionCount 
FROM Posts question 
    INNER JOIN Users usr ON question.OwnerUserId = usr.Id
    question.PostTypeId = 1 AND
    question.CreationDate BETWEEN '2019-12-01' AND '2020-05-12'
 AND (LOWER(question.Title) LIKE '%2019-ncov%'
  OR LOWER(question.Title) LIKE '%sars-cov%'
  OR LOWER(question.Title) LIKE '%coronavirus%'
  OR LOWER(question.Title) LIKE '%covid%'
  OR LOWER(question.Title) LIKE '%pandemic%'
  OR LOWER(question.Body) LIKE '%2019-ncov%'
  OR LOWER(question.Body) LIKE '%sars-cov%'
  OR LOWER(question.Body) LIKE '%coronavirus%'
  OR LOWER(question.Body) LIKE '%covid%'
  OR LOWER(question.Body) LIKE '%pandemic%')

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