Old questions that can be deleted with a downvote


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Questions older than a year that you can mark for deletion by simply downvoting them. The rules are detailed here: http://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/92006. The view count rules are relaxed to 2x the question age because those might fail to keep up a steady stream of views at some point in the future.

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Q&A for Ubuntu users and developers

DECLARE @DataDumpAge as datetime
SELECT  @DataDumpAge = MAX(CreationDate)
FROM    PostHistory

FROM   Posts
WHERE  (Score = 1 OR (Score = 2 AND OwnerUserId IS NULL))
       AND (AnswerCount = 0 OR AnswerCount IS NULL)
       AND CommentCount <= 1
       --AND DATEDIFF(day, @DataDumpAge, CreationDate) > 365
       AND ViewCount <= (DATEDIFF(day, @DataDumpAge, CreationDate) * 1.5)

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