The worst question askers


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All people who asked more than 30 questions ordered by avg score

Ask Ubuntu

Q&A for Ubuntu users and developers

-- The worst question askers
-- All people who asked more than 30 questions ordered by avg score

select top 200 OwnerUserId [User Link], 
  count(*) [Total Questions], 
  avg(Score + 0.0) [Avg Score],
  100.0 * sum(case when Score < 0 then 1 else 0 end) / count(*) [% of Negative Scored Questions]
from Posts 
join Users u on u.Id = OwnerUserId 
where ParentId is null and u.Id != -1
group by OwnerUserId, Reputation
having count(*) > 30
order by [Avg Score] asc

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