Posts with its questions


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Data Export for the research project of

Ask Ubuntu

Q&A for Ubuntu users and developers

select top 30 p.Id as antwort_id, q.Id as frage_id, p.Id as [Post Link], p.Body, p.Score,
q.Body as Question, q.AnswerCount,
from Posts as p join Posts as q on p.Id =
(select top 1 Id from posts where parentId = q.Id 
and CreationDate < DATEADD(month, -3, GETDATE()) -- at least 3 months old
and LastEditDate < DATEADD(month, -3, GETDATE()) -- at least 3 months untouched
and LEN(Body) > 550 -- more than 450 chars used (TODO: striptags)
and Score >= 3 -- Score >= 3
ORDER BY NEWID())  -- only answers
and q.ClosedDate IS NULL and p.CommunityOwnedDate IS NULL -- not closed, not community wiki
and q.AnswerCount <= 10 -- not more than 30 answers (pagination)

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