Q&A for people who build and repair bicycles, people who train cycling, or commute on bicycles
SET SHOWPLAN_TEXT ON GO WITH PostData AS (SELECT v.PostId, p.PostTypeId AS PostTypeId, MAX(case v.VoteTypeId when 2 then 1 else null end) as Upvoted, MAX(case v.VoteTypeId when 3 then 1 else null end) as Downvoted FROM Votes v INNER JOIN Posts p ON v.PostId = p.Id WHERE p.PostTypeId = 1 OR -- question p.PostTypeId = 2 -- answer GROUP BY v.PostId, v.VoteTypeId, p.PostTypeId) SELECT COUNT(Upvoted) as [Upvoted posts], COUNT(Downvoted) as [Downvoted posts] --COUNT(IIF(PostTypeId = 1 AND Upvoted = 1, 1, NULL)) as [Upvoted Qstns] --SUM(IsQuestion * Downvoted) as [Downvoted Qstns], --SUM(IsAnswer * Upvoted) as [Upvoted Answers], --SUM(IsAnswer * Downvoted) as [Downvoted Answers] FROM PostData