Run query at the end of the month to check unanswered Flutter questions. Update Questions.CreationDate
Q&A for people who build and repair bicycles, people who train cycling, or commute on bicycles
select Questions.Id, Questions.CreationDate, Questions.LastActivityDate, Questions.ViewCount, --Questions.Title, Questions.Body,Questions.Score, Questions.FavoriteCount, Questions.Title, Questions.Score, Questions.FavoriteCount, Questions.Tags, Questions.AnswerCount, Questions.CommentCount, Questions.AcceptedAnswerId,Questions.ClosedDate, Users.Id,Users.DisplayName, Users.Reputation FROM Posts as Questions INNER JOIN PostTags ON PostTags.PostId = Questions.Id INNER JOIN Tags on Tags.Id = PostTags.TagId INNER JOIN Users on Questions.OwnerUserId = Users.Id Where Tags.TagName='flutter' and Questions.CreationDate >='05/01/2017' and Questions.CreationDate <'10/06/2020'and Questions.PostTypeId=1 and questions.score >=0 and Questions.AnswerCount = 0 and Questions.ClosedDate IS NULL ORDER by Questions.ViewCount DESC --and --questions.score >=0 /*select * from CloseReasonTypes;*/